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Responsive web design tips

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Real estate marketing professionals need to be at the top of their game to thrive in todays highly-competitive market. Social media adapt and tech savvy individuals are becoming more valuable than ever. Everyone has a role to play in a companies social and digital presence, so here’s our top 10 real estate marketing tips for hoteliers, real estate agents, and anyone seeking a successful responsive web design strategy.

1. Integrate social media

Before starting your successful new venture, be sure to have all your social media pages and handles secured. Consistency is key, we recommend using the same handle/name over all the appropriate social media channels. It’s best to research a list of names over all channels to see what handles are available in an attempt to secure the same name on twitter that you intend to use on Instagram, Facebook etc.

2. Ask questions

Asking questions is a great way to start a conversation via social media channels. Posts that ask the right questions can perform better and increase engagement. Try putting yourself in the consumers shoes and think about what they want to learn more about. If you’re not sure where to start, begin with: who, what, when, where, how or why, and end with a question mark.

3. Discover and determine

Know precisely who you’re competing with. If you’re a hotel on grace bay beach for example, you may think you’re competing with the other hotels on grace bay, and for some queries this may be true; however, if you look at the keyword phrases with the highest volume, you may be competing with TripAdvisor, U.S. News and Jet Setter magazine, so search engine optimization and a solid social media / digital marketing strategy is imperative. Determine your best performing content and feature it.

4. Is your name unique?

If your companies name is unique, and no other entity shares that same name, don’t bother hash tagging your name because if someone searches for your unique name, they’ll find you. However; if your name is used by others, either in-part or full, we recommend tagging the shared part of your name so that your posts can compete with all competitors sharing that name. This is where competitive metrics and more advanced seo tech-tactics can really help, see tip #10.

5. Collaborate and share

Every employee and team member has a social responsibility to the company they serve, and it takes a team to win. When team members like and share posts from a companies social media pages, the combined efforts contribute to increased reach and results. Affiliate marketing is another great way of getting your brand message in front targeted audiences. Strategic partners can help to promote your product or service while you return the favor for shared growth and success.

6. Value-added content

Value-added content can help to maximize performance. Stunning Photography, captivating video and virtual tours are a fantastic way to educate audiences while keeping your website visitor on-site longer. The longer you can keep your visitor in your online space, the more likely they’ll convert from visitor to buyer. Compelling content is key so provide value through insight, education, entertainment etc.

7. Associated interests

If a real estate agent wants to sell properties faster, we recommend “Stop selling, start educating.” If someone is thinking about buying a home in the Bahamas, the potential customer would likely want to know everything they can about the various communities, schools, current events, doing business, the weather, places to see and things to do. If you’re not certain what type of associated interests your audience may find engaging, see tip #2 or skip ahead to tip #10.

8. Backlinks

When posting into social media channels, include a backlink to the source content on your website provided that’s where the source content resides. Adding a backlink to your post makes it easy for your audience to link to your website or content hub. This a great way to drive traffic from social media platforms into a brands digital space. Be conscious of where you are sending your visitor because if you add a link that sends your visitor away, how will you get them back? Blogs and content hubs are great ways to continually add fresh engaging content into your online space to keep visitors coming back for more, and also produces increased web pages to link back to.

9. Call-to-action

A concise call-to-action is critical, so make it easy for website visitors to get in touch. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. Audiences today are accustomed to digesting information in snippets, so try to keep it simple and to the point with a clear CTA (call-to-action). Determine the best next-steps regarding how you would like your visitor to contact you, whether an email or call button etc. Email marketing is a great way to keep the conversation going, so you may want to consider having visitors subscribe to a newsletter. If your company has an upcoming event or promotion to offer, call-to-actions can communicate your brand message and guide your visitor to the next stage in the journey.

10. Hire an expert

There are a number of ways your potential customers become website visitors, so here’s a list of primary sources. Direct traffic, organic traffic, social media traffic and email marketing traffic. We suggest consulting with a specialist or hiring an expert team to collaborate with. A tech expert will be able to dive deep into what your competitors are doing, discover what people are searching for to identify where the volume is. This can help to identify keyword phrase opportunities along the journey of continually evolving and enhancing your brands online and social prowess while defining the corporate identities social culture.


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